Genuine experience completing the crucial puzzle

Why choose Leadmore®

Most will benefit from external advice, but what is the right choice for you and your business? Classical management consultants? Or should you try something new and different?

Leadmore® is quite different in many ways as focus is on both management and more leadership.

Practical and experience based approach

  • Fast at reading your situation and tailor the service
  • Very professional, yet at eye level with your self and your employees
  • Drives involvement and commitment, thus low risk of obstruction
  • Speedy feedback and concrete action proposals
  • Proprietary tools and processes with proven results over more than 20 years

Fast and sustainable result improvements

  • Combines management and leadership supporting fast execution and result achievement
  • Focuses on both quick wins and longer term effects
  • Leverages your own resources and creates a permanent boost in your own staff’s skills

Value for money and time

  • No up front commitment in large project investment
  • You can evaluate value for money and pay as you go
  • You will limit your time spent on consultants and external cost

Many have already done it

Leadmore® has successfully completed many different assignments for more than 50 clients within Private Equity, Telecom/IT, travel, manufacturing, service, consumer products, retail and other consulting firms - both Danish and Nordic clients.