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Should you also try an IDDAS & Leadmore® maturity exercise?


The benefit comes with the owner-manager's courage to be measured and weighed, and not least the willingness to exploit the improvement opportunities identified by the maturity index - this is evidenced by 3 practical Leadmore® cases. "The process with IDDAS and Leadmore® was an eye-opener and gives the executive board and the board a new...

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  1950 Hits

Middelboe Consulting became Leadmore® 11.11.2011

Middelboe Consulting became Leadmore® 11.11.2011


Middelboe Consulting has since 2009 successfully advised many clients within value-adding leadership. It has grown into a business that called for a homepage and new expressive company name.


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  16051 Hits

Leadmore ® 1 year with lots of new experiences

It is now 1 year ago I launched Leadmore ®. Through the year I have supported clients creating progress and performance improvements within the 5 main services areas:

  • Value-adding leadership
  • Strategy and business models
  • Mentor support and coaching
  • Strategic B2B sales
  • Board work

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The experience base has been increased and can benefit others. External inspiration and sparring is often the strongest driver of change and value growth.

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  19193 Hits

Kohberg offensive



Press release November 8, 2012

Kohberg offensive

Kohberg aims to be the customers’ preferred supplier of bread, no matter where they buy or enjoy it. To achieve this, Kohberg merges all in all 4 companies into one strong company and assigns a new CEO who knows the industry in depth and has a proven track record.

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  24233 Hits

Logstrup wins Nordeas Business Award



Thursday November 15 Logstrup was honored with the Nordea Business Award 2012. CEO Per Løgstrup proudly accepted the award from Nordea Bank at a reception at The Museum Of Modern Art -Louisiana's koncert hall.









The nominees for the Nordea Business Award must be individuals or companies who in the past year has improved its employment rate or business development.

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  21682 Hits

Professional board leadership is not only for the big ones

In Denmark, it is mandatory to establish a board of directors for all limited companies as well as limited liability companies, which for more than three years have had more than 35 employees. Out of Denmark’s approximately 80.000 limited liability companies only 1.000 need to comply, however the actual number having a board is around 12.000 – this indicates that many founders and owners of midsized and smaller companies have acknowledged the value of voluntarily establishing a professional board.

JO Informatik is an example from my own board portfolio – a small Danish software company that designs and develops digital archives and software for digital administration. Three years ago, the founder and CEO Jesper Olsen decided to establish a professional board of directors and since then the value creation has accelerated significantly. Revenue has grown 66% over the last two years, a negative result has turned positive and the company consistently executes on the strategy, which recently has paved the way for an entry into the Norwegian market.



I would like to share some selected highlights from an article on JO Informatik’s experiences:

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  11897 Hits

Two successful company sales last six months

Being a board professional is an exciting and dynamic occupation, as the aim of the assignment from time to time is to sell the company, and handover the board responsibility to the new owners. Out of ten companies in my board portfolio, I have over the last six months experienced two successful company sales to other industrial players, which testify valuable companies with continued growth potential.


CDRator sold to Enghouse Systems

Most recently, the mobile billing software company CDRator A/S was sold to Enghouse Systems Limited that is a publicly traded Canadian based software and services company. Enghouse serves a number of distinct vertical markets through its three divisions, Interactive, Networks and Transportation, each developing and selling enterprise oriented applications software. CDRator is now part of the Networks division.

On March 3 2015, Enghouse Systems Limited announced that it has acquired CDRator A/S for a purchase price of approximately $23.0 million (net of acquired cash). CDRator’s annual revenue for fiscal 2014 was just over $20.0 million. CDRator has approximately 130 staff primarily based in Denmark who support their customer base in Europe, North America and Africa.

Having served on the board of CDRator A/S for five years, I am proud of this successful and promising exit. I wish both Enghouse Systems and CDRator’s management and staff the best of luck for their joint future.

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  15517 Hits

A value-creating PE-journey

Emballagegruppen sold to Schur

As at 14 August 2019 Schur International took over Emballagegruppen in Vejle from Maj Invest Equity. At the beginning of 2019, Maj Invest Equity acquired the family-owned company Good Food Group in Vejle, to which Emballagegruppen was affiliated as a 100% owned subsidiary until the transfer to Maj Invest Equity.

Emballagegruppen A/S which produces carton packaging and label products at two separate locations in Vejle, has a turnover of approx. DKK 180 million (EUR 25 million) and employs 130 people.



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  6893 Hits

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