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Should you also try an IDDAS & Leadmore® maturity exercise?


The benefit comes with the owner-manager's courage to be measured and weighed, and not least the willingness to exploit the improvement opportunities identified by the maturity index - this is evidenced by 3 practical Leadmore® cases. "The process with IDDAS and Leadmore® was an eye-opener and gives the executive board and the board a new...

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  1948 Hits

Try a maturity process making your company more valuable

In collaboration with IDDAS, Leadmore® offers tailor-made courses where we together develop solutions for how the company can strengthen its maturity and raise the company's value. The courses are based on IDDAS' SME maturity tool, which provides a status report - a due diligence that shows the company's maturity based on the ISO 17029 standard. A ...

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  2078 Hits

Leadmore ® now offers The SME tool together with IDDAS

I am happy to share that I have graduated as an Authorized Associate in IDDAS and Verifier for The SMETOOL and maturity scoring based on the ISO 17029 standard. Through our newly developed online tool, we give you an accurate insight into your company's challenges and answer how developed and resilient your company is.  Together we r...

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  3322 Hits

Warming up for a new board season

The summer holidays are coming to an end soon, so the time is coming to warm up for a new board season. On the back of the Corona, many talk about "new normal". After the stranglehold of the restrictions, the hardest-hit industries have not yet found their feet - so it is probably too early to say with certainty what the future will bring and what ...

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  2652 Hits

The Board of Directors' alignment determines the success

How does the owner-manager get the best out of his professional board?  Thorough, open and honest alignment of expectations creates the most value. The maximal benefit of a professional board stands and falls with the owner manager's willingness to let go of control, and the ability to set the right board team - both in terms of industry exper...

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  2629 Hits

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