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Executive coaching and mentoring - something for you?

An executive coach/mentor might provide you valauble company


To be a top leader is often much courted, however when it comes to the real difficult situations, we can feel a bit like “Nils All Alone”. Even though, we may keep ourselves fit via hyped conferences, network groups and social media, it is my experience that all top leaders need to be a little, although not all alone with the difficult decisions. We can all from time to time need a confidential space to dare jump into the deep water of leadership and really move on.



In some cases, it is about issues that we for confidentially reasons cannot share with anyone. Or issues, that we to avoid losing face, are hesitant to expose our lack of knowledge about. Though, I guess that we all sometimes need to relinquish the reins, think high and wild, ask the dumb questions and get the right answers from someone who have tried it before, maybe in another industry, or who can help oneself to figure out the right answers.

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  15396 Hits

Disruption is back to the basics of customer driven leadership

Having been a silent spectator of the voluminous hype around disruption, and attended several conferences on the topic together with hundreds of management peers, I now feel like sharing some of my reflections on the matter. Judging by the extent of academic research, social media interest and attendance at conferences, disruption particularly seems challenging for established players.



It is not only about technology – simplify by putting customers first

It’s true that computing power, big data, telecom networks, mobility, artificial intelligence, robotics and 3D-print among others have expanded the possibilities and accelerated speed of disruption. Most are new entrants and others are to protect and develop their current business. Apparently, things seem much easier for new entrants starting from scratch, where as the “incumbents” often struggle as they get paralyzed and caught in a technology spider web, a catch enforced by fear of leaving their comfort zone.

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  21541 Hits

Ground-breaking opportunities in Danish leadership practice with LCI

Back in February, I wrote a post about Dave Ulrich’s book “The Leadership Capital Index - Realizing the Market Value of Leadership”. You can read the post here: Finally, you can measure the value of good leaders. I simply had to share my excitement about this outstanding book on value-adding leadership.



In times of global competition, disruption of business models and unpredictability, strong leadership really makes the difference. A detailed understanding of what drives leadership value becomes increasingly important for investors, as well as boards and executive management, who is accountable for the value of the company.

Thus, I am convinced that The Leadership Capital Index is a valuable and indispensable tool for investors, board of directors and executives, as well as HR professionals to only mention a few. 


The Danish edition is soon available

By September 2016 the book will be released in Danish by Gitte Mandrup Publishing.

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  19835 Hits

Finally, we can measure the value of good leaders

I simply have to share my excitement about a book on value-adding leadership, which I have just read. Now we can finally measure good leadership. Many have for years claimed that good leadership makes a significant impact on companies’ value creation. Dave Ulrich has with his book “The Leadership Capital Index” developed an operational method to measure the value of the leadership it-self. A book, which does not only give rise to reflections, but also actively can improve your leadership.



For years I have myself practiced and advised on the balance between the “what:s” of Management and the “how:s” of Leadership. Because, too many managers lack the experience or time to be a good manager and leader at the same time. Although I can document strong business results over time, I have always missed the intermediate value of the leadership it-self, which makes it much easier to repeat success.

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  24177 Hits

Good to see a genuine society of professional board people

During some years now, there has been significantly increased focus and activity level on board member recruitments, educations and networks. One might almost say that a "board market" has emerged. It is of course positive with the establishment of an "eco-system" for stimulation of value creation in Danish board rooms and thus also the competitiveness of the Danish economy. 


BOD table grt


However, I have also noted that the market place naturally has led to a continuous flow of creative business models, where companies build on profit based network activities and board educations. 

Competition is strong with no shortage of cold canvassing with varying quality and different price offers for the same product from the same provider – some even offer education with a guaranteed board seat upon completion. I am not saying that the market lacks quality educations and networks, but transparency is yet low as to quality and price, and thus value for money.

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  24275 Hits

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