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The board ought to balance management and leadership

Results are created by the teams we lead, but many managers experience that it can be hard to make the great plans actually happen. As a corporate leader myself, I have experienced how you can be trapped in the treadmill of KPI-management and new plans, when the first plan hasn’t shown the expected results – thus, why I could not find adequate time to perform my leadership role. Whilst owner-managers typically aren’t burdened by corporate treadmills, they are up to their eyes in daily hands-on tasks and firefighting. In both cases an active board could play a decisive role in unfolding involving and value-adding leadership.



Numbers and People 2

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  23321 Hits

Why the puzzling word “why” is so important...

Looking at the best quotes I ever came across within Management and Leadership, it is no wonder why the puzzling word “why” is so important.










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  23599 Hits

Management is no exact science and not so much about Leadership

Despite the fact that results are created by the teams we lead, it seems that we are all too focused on Management. A Google search provides 2.7 billion hits on Management, 565 million hits on Leadership, which is close to Physics and Mathematics. This means that Management hits are 5 times more than Leadership, which only counts 17% of all hits on Management and Leadership.




No wonder that we as leaders often are challenged striking the right balance between Management and Leadership, i.e. to lead more and execute plans efficiently.

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  19042 Hits

My best leadership advice

Leadership is about creating value through others. Management brings you plans, which however often only tells “what” is to be done, and not “how”. This is where your leadership shall fertilize your management – just like the composer and the conductor, where the conductor ensures the beautiful sound through perfect execution.


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  21667 Hits

Leadership on Summer Vacation - opt-ins call for opt-outs

Opt-ins call for opt-outs - something to think about during your summer holidays



Wow, we are really flooded with new threats and opportunities that all must take a place on our busy agenda. Here's just a "small" sample of buzzwords in a sinful mix of abbreviations, which both leaders and employees need to address in a hectic everyday work life:


VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), Disruption, Exponential Business Models, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), LCI (Leadership Capital Index), CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Stakeholder Management.

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  19799 Hits

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