The voice of Leadmore® clients
"The maturity exercise with Leadmore®/IDDAS was a valuable eye-opener for us, and the tool has contributed to the owner-management's shared picture of the company's current maturity level. The process has helped to ensure a necessary prioritization of the most value-creating improvement efforts and contributed to a concrete action plan to raise the ability to implement our growth plans for the coming years".
Kenneth Codam, CEO, CatMan Solution A/S
"The Leadmore® process using the IDDAS maturity tool provided a good overall overview of the areas of the company where processes and systems could be developed and better documented."
Anders Aistrup, CEO, Jørgen Windelev A/S
"The process with Leadmore® on IDDAS maturity scoring was an eye-opener and gave the executive board and the board a new opportunity to prioritize areas of action."
André Radley Grundahl, CEO, Alpha Elektronik A/S
"EQT have engaged Mads Middelboe as Senior Industry Advisor for a number of M&A projects in the Nordic countries. He has contributed with valuable strategic and hands on insights and participated in project steering committees, due diligence, management presentations and board work. Mads provides fast continuous feedback as well action oriented executive reports."
Anders Gaarud, Director, EQT Partners AS, Norway
Morten Hummelmose, Partner, EQT Partners A/S, Denmark
"Our ownership of Emballagegruppen has been considerably shorter than planned but after having focused on the core business via divestment of subsidiaries and activities within commercial printing and after having carried out major strategic work with the management group, we now have a business which has turned out to fit perfectly into Schur's product portfolio and future plans. Notwithstanding our short period of ownership, we have found that a divestment would be the right thing to do now as Schur sees good possibilities to further develop Emballagegruppen under its ownership."
Partner, Maj Invest Equity, Per Høholt
“We are pleased to have increased our market share in our own brands in a market that continues to be characterized by fierce price competition and great dynamism. We have strengthened our position with significant investments in production, which makes it possible to satisfy an increasingly varied demand for bread from our bakeries. We have greatly appreciated Mads Middelboe's efforts over the past three years, where many new initiatives have been taken. We are clearly on the right track and ready to continue the positive development.”
Co-owner and CEO of Kohberg Bakery Group's parent company KOFF A/S, Jesper Fogtmann.

"I have cooperated with Mads Middelboe for many years. I value his business understanding and leadership experience which I often draw upon in both concrete business development projects and board work. He is strong in structuring and creating overview whilst keeping strong focus on the most important actions to achieve our goals."
Ib Kunøe, Chairman of the Board, Consolidated Holdings A/S, Denmark

"Mads Middelboe is member of the board at CDRator. He is also a frequent sparring partner on our strategic development and specific challenges. He has facilitated our strategy process involving the management team. His Strategy Cookbook ensured that we covered all relevant issues, got our priorities right and created strong commitment and engagement."
Laurtis Tygesen, CEO, CDRator A/S, Denmark

"Løgstrup Steel has benefitted a lot from our cooperation with Mads Middelboe – both as a board member and advisor. We have together developed a new strategy with clear goals and actions. It is backed up by high management team commitment and is well integrated with our financial and operational management processes. Mads is a great source of inspiration and his experience and cookbooks ensures a good balance between both making and executing the plans."
Per Løgstrup, CEO, Løgstrup Steel A/S, Denmark

”What counts is the experience of the board members. They provide tools and procedures, which we as a small company did not even know of. They can analyse the company back and forth, ask the critical questions, and assess our profit drivers by applying relevant budget and strategy tools. Their way of viewing my business is completely different from mine, and they are good at pointing out where we are performing well, earning our money and where to put our focus for the future. They have delivered a highly professional piece of work.”
Founder & CEO, JO Informatik, Jesper Olsen

"We have used Mads Middelboe for a work shop on how we strategically and tactically should approach B2B sales on executive management level. He is strong in testing and challenging our hypothesizes. He quickly establishes a dialogue where he shares his experiences as CEO and thus buyer at executive management level. Subsequently, he compiled a written summary of the day, and we have made significant revisions to the concept based on Mads' input. "
Thomas Grube, Relationship Manager, SAS Institute A/S, Danmark

"We used Mads Middelboe as a key note speaker for a VIP customer work shop, where he in all aspects delivered a super performance. His preparation as well as his ability to hit the audience’s top-of-mind issues was utmost professional."
Mogens Bransholm, CEO, Conscia A/S, Denmark

"We have used Mads Middelboe for a management seminar, where he inspired us based on his wide experiences in leading a successful business in fierce competition. He provided lots of food for thoughts on how to continuously change business models and what it takes for our managers to make it happen in real life."
Flemming Hynkemejer, CEO, Dansk Kabel TV A/S, Denmark

"Mads Middelboe has supported a business development project, where we have benefitted from his strategic industry insight and tactical experiences on both go to market plan, organization and strategic partnerships. He is strong at pressure testing our thoughts and plans. He adds great value as he is not afraid of challenging our weak points, thus making our plans even stronger."
Peter Trans, CEO, Atea A/S, Denmark
Claus Hougesen, Koncernchef, Atea ASA, Norway

"We have great pleasure using Mads Middelboe as sparring partner, both strategically and tactically. He has extensive experience with the telcom industry, he is a quick thinker, very structured and disciplined. He follows us gladly in our wild brainstorms on new idea’s and business concepts, but he always brings us back on solid ground. He ensures that decisions are made, new goals are set and that agreements are made on the further process. Mads takes great care to keep us up on agreed actions. As he is also an enjoyable person, we can fully recommend Mads as a sparring partner, idea generator, whip and coach."
Søren Rasmussen, Partner, Evercall Aps, Denmark
Torben Hartvig, Partner, Evercall Aps, Denmark

"Mads Middelboe’s experience from international companies has been a valuable support in Hays' local strategy work. His integrity and strategic approach to our tasks have been a good sparring for Hays. He quickly reads the situation and combines the helicopter perspective with all facts in very concrete action plans, so we quickly can proceed at high speed."
Søren Dahl, CEO, Hays A/S, Denmark

”Wilke is a market research company creating growth for our customers through research based advice. I have on several occasions used Mads Middelboe, who is an enormous capacity in many fields of business management and strategic B2B sales.
At an internal seminar Mads Middelboe inspired and advised our managers and experienced consultants on how to approach strategic sales, as we want to target our client’s executive management level. I also use Mads as a personal mentor and sparring partner. His experience and many years as a successful and acknowledged top executive makes the time spent with him very valuable for me as CEO of Wilke. It gives me the possibility to discuss key critical issues and strategic perspectives with a person, who can challenge med and give me fast, constructive and competent sparring. I am convinced that my sparring with Mads helps me build an even stronger Wilke for the future.”
Brian Blomholt, CEO, Wilke A/S, Denmark

"Mads Middelboe has been a key note speaker at our yearly Marketing conference 2011 on the topic: How Marketing can speak the top executive language to obtain more strategic influence. Mads gave an exciting insight on what typically dominates a top executive's agenda and how executive management teams think and cooperate. He managed to bring his heavy experience at eye-level and inspire marketers on what is needed and how to achieve more strategic influence."
Michael Raffnsøe, CEO, Huset Markedsføring, Denmark

"We have cooperated with Mads Middelboe on 2 projects, with 2 very different issues, and he is absolutely the best advisor we have ever engaged. He is quick at reading our minds, a strategic thinker and yet very hands on – his way of clarifying a value chain is a good example. Mads' presence in our collaboration is very high with fast feedback and follow up. If he has a relevant point, a process or a work flow that he has documented, you get it right away. His cookbooks are good examples of that. We have valued his way of managing expectations, as he continuously clarifies where we are in the process, including the budget for our cooperation. Mads is all in all a very valuable and fully fledged advisor and sparring partner."
Dennis Wraamann, Kreativ direktør,, Denmark