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Møllevangen 10B, Sørup, DK-3480 Fredensborg      +45 2929 3000

Easy to get started
and cooperate

Flexible cooperation models

The cooperation can take various forms from analysis and advisory, process facilitation, keynote presentations, roundtable or conference moderation, individual coaching and mentoring to permanent board or advisory board positions. 

Leadmore® operates always under confidentiality, and non-disclosure agreements when required.

Typical 5 step start-up process



Written proposal with actions, process and fee estimate

Adjustments and confirmation


Analysis and advisory work with variable fee

  • Do-it-Yourself work based on Leadmore® tools, sparring and advisory, e.g. “the devil’s advocate”
  • Leadmore® co-working on process facilitation or projects, Leadmore® tools, advisory and reports
  • Variable fee is rated per hour spent on preparation, analysis, meetings, feedback and reports
  • Variable fee estimate is agreed by milestones as we go

Board or advisory board positions with fixed fee

  • Permanent and ordinary board or advisory board work
  • Yearly fee is agreed by assignment scope of the yearly board wheel and meeting frequency
  • Extraordinary board work outside the agreed yearly board wheel is rated separately by variable fee per hour, e.g. executive chair, project- or interim assignments

Other tasks with fixed fee

Fixed fees can be agreed according to scope of well specified and time limited tasks, e.g.

  • Acid test of strategy document
  • Assessment of M&A prospectus/IM
  • Key note speech or moderator assignments


  • All fees are invoiced in DKK plus VAT and agreed expenses, e.g. travel cost and driving according to Danish tax rules
  • Accumulated variable fee is invoiced on a monthly basis
  • Yearly board and advisory board fee is invoiced on a quarterly basis
  • Other fixed fees are invoice upon completion of the assignment
  • Assignment start-up process is non-committal, but included in estimate, and charged if the task is assigned
  • Payment terms 8 days from invoice date
