You do not necessarily have to reinvent the wheel. Sharing practical experiences on many different issues with creating simultaneous top line growth and sustained cost savings.
Value innovation
Most customers demand more for less as well as sustainability. This requires ability to innovate and reduce cost at the same time. Value innovation is a structured approach to product development striking the optimal balance between customer preferences and profitability.
The method makes it possible to:
- Invent or reformulate a product, service or way of delivery
- Increase value in terms of cost reductions by reducing and/or eliminating product/service features
- Achieve scale effects on cost by increasing volume
- Improve competitiveness by increasing and/or adding product/service features
Value innovation can be combined with the Co-creation method. Here, for example, customers, consumers, suppliers, research institutions and other external professional groups are actively engaged in a structured innovation process.
This maximizes external market input and creativity, and not least the likelihood of creating a sales success.

Sustainable cost restructuring
Pure cost cutting may jeopardize customer satisfaction and revenue. End-to-end process reengineering based on Activity Value Analysis can make you achieve more with less. It is a structured method to identify all processes and tasks, and assess whether and how much value they actually create and for whom? Makes it possible to prioritize, opt-in and opt-out or outsource tasks.
Outsourcing and strategic partnerships
Is your company really the best at doing it all?
Advice on how to:
- Define your core competencies and activities
- Identify and select potential outsourcing partners
- Negotiate the deal and cooperation model
- Manage the partnership as if it was your own operation

Inspiration, experience sharing and time savings not having to reinvent the wheel your-self.
Structured guidelines with experience based dos and dont's.
You avoid classic internal traps with innovation and cost savings, and external traps with outsourcing, strategic partnerships and co-creation.
Over the years, I have developed several process descriptions, I call them Cookbooks. They have proven to be very useful in the work of creating faster and better results.